Thursday, September 11, 2008

Negoish:WORD > "GREAT EAGLE" echo's: The WORM has turned INSIDE/OUT for all MEN of HONOR. by Mark Paul Braunstein

Virtual Sales Community With

Embedded Virtual CyberTility© has realized its technological,

professional and spiritual goals over seven

years of [R&D] to design, develop and implement

a turnkey business platform solution for you. We are

ready to increase your business revenue by [50] in the G2Space, OEM, Channel, End-Users,

P&L and Budget operations for "new" business.

You are ready to take the next life/work journey

into cyberspace in our Virtual Sales Community

with embedded Virtual CyberTility for profits.

We will set-up your turnkey business with everything

you desire and need to be the best sales dealmaker

in the world. We will provide the hardware, software,

and services that will enable you to share equities,

share profits and share benefits with your embedded

Virtual CyberTility Family.

In our [VSD=X] Virtual Sales Dealmakers Exchange

you will be able to create realtime exchanges, realtime

transactions and realtime commissions between oem

partners, sales force partners, sales partners, sales

alliances and sales affiliates for your own production


As a Owner/Producer you will be able to create

unlimited sales opportunities and unlimited sales contracts

for your business, yourself and your family in our Virtual

Sales Community.

Negoish:WEB© gives you a [VPN] Virtual Private

Network interface between oem's, sales forces, partners,

alliances and affiliates for your sales production needs.

This outstanding "new" turnkey business model and "new"

brand with Twelve Great Men of Honor as our senior

management team can support large f100 and f500 Angel

Investors who want to create "new" investments in our

Virtual Sales Community with embedded Virtual CyberTility.

We Partner and Recommend Negoish©

for Your Business Solutions:

CyberGenius = Judge

John Levin [Judge] > Contracts

A Great Leader of Men of Honor in Court

Business, Stock, Contract and Law Genius

CyberBrain = Lawman

Eugene Lieberstein [Esq.] > Patents

A Great Mind in Union Carbide Intellectual Properties

Patent, Trademark, and Copyright Genius

CyberMaster = Negoish

Mark Paul Braunstein > Developer

A Great Visionary of Men in Life/Work

Negotiator, Management, Technology and Sales Genius

CyberX = Motivator

Michael Small [Certified] > Developer

A Great Warrior of Men in Life/Work

Martial Arts, Technology and Market Genius

CyberSecure = Colonel

Tom Nickerson Sr. [Colonel] > Army

A Great Warrior of Men in Serious Need

Military, Security, and Retail Bank Genius

CyberLeader = Chief

Mike Lampe [Eagle] > Air Command

A Great Warrior of Men in Special Tactics Combat

Special Tactics and Human Resource Genius

CyberTeacher = Technologist

Tom Speranza [B.S.E.E.] > Director

A Great Thinker of Digital Equipment Engines

Engineer, Network, Market and Sales Genius

CyberForce = Intelman

Tony Bell [Green Beret] > Army

A Great Warrior of Men in Delta Force

Technology, Martial Arts and Market Genius

CyberLoan = Banker

Jon Zahav [Certified Broker] > Loans

A Great Investment Mind for Island Properties

Negotiation, Real Estate and Business Genius

CyberDoc = Microscope

Jim Kilbride [RPh.] > Pharmacist

A Great Pharmacist for your Good Health

Pharmaceutical, Consultant and Business Genius

CyberStaffer = Searcher

Bob Morris [Headhunter] > Dunhill

A Great Sales Headhunter in NY Metro

Headhunter and Business Genius

CyberSaver = Guru

Tony Gelormino [Certified Counselor] > Daytop Village

A Great Savior of Men of Honor in U.S.A. and Italy

Therapeutic, Leadership and Media Genius

You will be able to generate huge savings for your

turnkey business solution with total Virtual CyberTility

integration of these Twelve Great Men and their

Contacts, Pedigree's and Secure Technology Connections

into your own business model. You will have a complete

turnkey business infrastructure for planning and decision

making to support your strategic, managerial, financial,

and sales objectives to generate huge profits for your

business, yourself and your family.

To grow our Virtual Sales Community, we developed a

scientific mathematical equation for large scale realtime

integration sales that could revolutionize "the way" sales

dealmakers collaborate for realtime exchanges, realtime

transactions and realtime commissions for all. The [63]

Sixty Three Matrix has limitless what if? sales possibilities

to integrate your clients portfolio to maximize their

intellectual properties, financial resources, and information

technology for huge market share across seven vertical

markets for "new/existing" turnkey business Web 2.0


Secure Virtual Business Relationships -

Exclusive, Private and Confidential.

Secret Plan with Seven Portals sealed

to Re-Invent You in our Future Solution.

[21] Partners - [21] Products - [21] Channels =

[63] Matrix for "New" Business.

Negoish:DIRECT© was created to provide an internet,

intranet and extranet direct sales infrastructure for our

[21] twenty one sales related products for vendors of

information media, information technology, information

services and information sports. We provide [21] twenty

one sales channels with the hottest integrated database/

server/client/wireless channels to provide your turnkey

business with incredible lead generation for "new" clients.

Each sales producer in your business will have their own

private sales control panel to navigate and implement

their own brand marketing and sales strategies to

generate vertical/invertical profits for all. You can

create and implement different marketing scenarios

with our [21] twenty one embedded sales partners

to achieve your entrepreneurial goals and long term

ambitions. We have integrated these futuristic visions

into your turnkey business solution for extraordinary


Negoish:UNIT v1.0© turnkey business solutions are

written in a combination of private webcentric IBM/

MAC/WINDOWS/FLASH/HTML/XML software and services

modules to set-up and launch your Negoish:UNIT v1.0©

turnkey business tomarket sales related products. We

design, develop and implement your custom plug/play

configuration through virtualization hardwarefor your

professional sales needs. We have integrated your

[SaaS] Software as a Service platform with unlimited

web 2.0 scalability for your unlimited sales dealmakers

site license.

We provide virtualization innovation from potential


VMWARE/CDW/ATT/VERIZON to integrate our webcentric

[SaaS] Software as a Service Platform implementations

with HD:LIVE satellite, hardware, software and services

realtime sales dealmaking.

We provide you a complete turnkey business solution with

guarantee, installation, support and training with unlimited

lead generation resources for "new" business.

Take your "Free" Evaluator with Negoish© to qualify and

evaluateif this is the future solution for your business,

yourself and your family.

Negoish:SKYPE - Negoish [610] 966-1984

Negoish:CAST -

Negoish:MP3 -

Negoish:MAIL -

Negoish:TALK -

Negoish:LIVE -

Negoish:LINKEDIN -

A Voicestars, Inc. Company

About the Author

Negoish is the Visionary.

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