Tuesday, September 16, 2008


SEX AND AGING Different…But Still Wonderful

I don’t think that there’s one living soul that doesn’t fear that aging will rob them of the joys of sex. This fear, though natural, and certainly common, does not have to become a self-fulfilling prophecy. We are brainwashed into believing that making love is reserved for the young, and because of this, we often spend our golden years dreading the future. Who wants that? I certainly didn’t. As soon as I “hit” menopause â€" or, if you prefer â€" when it hit me â€" I vowed to do everything in my power not to lose my sex drive. I quickly realized that to achieve this goal would take focus and work. I was up for both. After all, with such high stakes, my motivation was strong. This is what I learned. First of all, you must start by appreciating yourself. Nothing takes away sexuality faster than self-hatred. Whenever a nasty thought about aging surfaces, turn it around immediately. As you develop a deep love for yourself at every stage of life, you will reap the benefits that time provides. Yes, your love-making style will change. Perhaps you’re not as fit as you once were. Or, if you’re ill, that will interfere as well. But there’s a difference between something not being the same, and something that is gone forever. I believe that the capacity for love increases over the years, not decreases. So, if the physical expression of love, which may not be as strong as it once was, is enhanced with greater emotional and spiritual attributes, your sex life, though different, can be deeply satisfying, wonderful…and let’s not forget…FUN!

“Get Hattie's Exclusive RetroAge Newsletter FREE and Get Hattie's Personal Tips For Living Young, Getting Young and Feeling Young... No Matter what YOUR age! http://www.hattieretroage.com/ Hattie is an internationally recognized expert in longevity and maintaining ageless beauty throughout life. She has appeared on the Regis and Kathy Lee Show, the Sally Jesse Raphael show, New York 1 News, Fox Magazine and the Howard Stern Show.”

To order your copy of “Exquisite Aging” http://www.amazon.com/

About the Author

Hattie is an internationally recognized expert in longevity and maintaining ageless beauty throughout life. She has appeared on the Regis and Kathy Lee Show, the Sally Jesse Raphael show, New York 1 News, Fox Magazine and the Howard Stern Show.

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