Weight gain in pregnancy is a common situation faced by pregnant women depends on many factors as such pre-pregnancy weight and stature, size of the baby and placenta and the quality of diet before and during pregnancy. According to research, women with better diets have more regular ovulation. A healthy diet starts with healthy carbs such as brown rice, pasta, dark bread, whole grains, beans, vegetable, whole fruits. Cutting down trans fat or cutting down on animal fats can result a better diet.
You may be surprised to find out that the health of the baby can also be influenced by diet before conception. The fetus is most vulnerable to nutritional imbalance during the first few months of the pregnancy as it develops rapidly. Thus, a healthy diet before pregnancy will provide the body a good store of nutrients during pregnancy.
Many women encounter altered taste preference and experience strong cravings for fatty or starchy food. There are few things to avoid during the pregnancy diet as such empty calories and junk food. Try to replace these with delicious calcium such as almonds, sesame seeds, cow's milk, cheese, yoghurt and whole cereals that will provide the body extra calcium which is needed to bones' development in the later stage. Calcium absorption is more efficient during pregnancy. Women who are vegetarians who intend to breast-feed may need extra calcium and iron supplement. Iron is also an important source during the later stage of pregnancy. Lacking of iron may result anemia. Iron can be found in good vegetables such as whole grain cereals, green vegetables and dried fruits.
About the Author
Katie Byrd has vast knowledge about pregnancy stages. From the early signs of pregnancy all the way through breastfeeding, we'll give you tips and resources for a great pregnancy!
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